2025 Summer Clinic Information
Dates: June 2-5, June 9-12 and June 16-19
Open to: 5th to 12th grade and limited to the first 30 to sign up
Cost: $100 per week plus USA Wrestling Card ($50)-if current PWC member or Serra High Wrestling team member you should already have the card.
Time: 4-6pm
Where: Serra High School Wrestling Room (under football bleachers)
What is it: Introduction to the sport of wrestling through a focused technique clinic. The clinicians will show basic as well as advanced folkstyle wrestling technique
What to bring: Comfortable workout clothes, wrestling shoes (if you have them), water, a snack and a positive attitude to learn.
Main Clinician:
Andre Monney- Junipero Serra Varsity Head Wrestling Coach
Other clinicians TBD
To apply, fill out the registration form here: http://www.peninsulawrestlingclub.com/2025-summer-clinic-registration.html
Open to: 5th to 12th grade and limited to the first 30 to sign up
Cost: $100 per week plus USA Wrestling Card ($50)-if current PWC member or Serra High Wrestling team member you should already have the card.
Time: 4-6pm
Where: Serra High School Wrestling Room (under football bleachers)
What is it: Introduction to the sport of wrestling through a focused technique clinic. The clinicians will show basic as well as advanced folkstyle wrestling technique
What to bring: Comfortable workout clothes, wrestling shoes (if you have them), water, a snack and a positive attitude to learn.
Main Clinician:
Andre Monney- Junipero Serra Varsity Head Wrestling Coach
Other clinicians TBD
To apply, fill out the registration form here: http://www.peninsulawrestlingclub.com/2025-summer-clinic-registration.html